
Goddess of the Doorway

The pagan Goddess Ariadne comes from Crete and represents the spiral of life and the turning of the wheel.  Often pictured holding a ball of twine, she is a weaver of both time and destiny.  Her believers say she spun the universe from primordial darkness.  She is often associated with the labyrinth and spiral dancing.

The Celts called her Arianrhod (silver wheel).  She was worshiped as the moon goddess and the goddess of the underworld.  Known as the keeper of the doorway, Arianrhod (Ariadne) guarded the gates of time.  (Rebel Traveler page 30)

As the goddess of reincarnation and resurrection, she carried the dead on her oar wheel to Emania, moon land of death.  The silver wheel is the bridge into the void, the place of gods and ancestors.  The wheel can offer glimpses into the past and the future.  The ancients believed that this goddess could help them heal their inner selves and be symbolically reborn.

The crystal, calcite, represents her home in the far northern stars.  Her festival is celebrated on December second, but she is also honored at the full moon.  (Rebel Traveler – Page 30)

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