

During my long lifetime, I’ve seen the Fey branch off in many directions.  After the great Fey War, my kinsman, Jocko, and his Dark Fey tribe settled in large cities.  Living among the humans they so despise, the Dark Fey have adopted some unsavory human traits, like greed.  Losing their love and respect for the natural world, the foundation of Fey life, they have become tricksters, preying upon their human neighbors.

It isn’t unusual, then, that the Dark Fey are stealing water during this epic drought and selling it to the highest bidder.   The Dark Fey have betrayed their kin and become the enemy.

As leader of the Light Fey, I have allied with the Fields family, who possess their own magic and wage war against their evil kinsman, Dillon Yates, the warlock.  Together, we will return the water to the riverbeds.   As nature’s protectors, we must prevail.

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